The end

It’s a mixed feeling today on letting go of a relationship today that once was so dear I felt a little lighter today as no more baggage’s of blame I have learned a lesson to always create or let people know the thin life that’s exist We end up misusing or misunderstanding the words andContinue reading “The end”

Long Drive and Walk

What’s your definition of romantic? The essence of romance kindles for me when we spend good time together doing crazy stuffs and be ourselves. It illuminates best on a long drive and going to explore random destinations and lots of random talks. Long walk on mountain side or beach with the calmness of moonlight andContinue reading “Long Drive and Walk”

I am like two sides of coin. One side of mine is an emotional fool and the other side is like rock . Never try to judge me basis one side as what makes me a person is a mix of both. The balance of both in life had made me earn the precious relationship that I have today. If you are happy with your own perception of judging me with your lenses then that’s your problem. I don’t believe in taking extra baggage in life as the limited we carry is good enough for me to sail through this journey of life.