
F4E69EF0-34D7-4B10-AD2A-CFF64C068FC3School days are the best days of our lives. As a child, we all were so naive that never understood the intentions of our teachers when compared with our friends was done. The sudden feeling of being behind my friend always use to charge me to work hard or find a way to be better than him. This stimulation was nothing but was a method used by mentors to push us in the right direction.

Today when this word came in daily prompt many thoughts were running behind in mind from last two hours. In today’s time, I might look this word as a negative tool that in corporate world people use to get their work done. It’s always easy to look negative side of everything first, and it always takes double the energy and time to understand the depth of its positivity. When while passing by a park I saw kids playing and pulling each other’s leg took me back to my childhood days.

Wonder and blissful days of my life. I want to thank my mentors at School, college apart from my Parents to make me what I am today. If you all would not have pushed me or provoked me for my good, I would not have come so far as a strong person.

Provoking is good to make you understand that not just your family or friends even enemies ends up bringing the best out of us. Let this stimulation always keep our childhood memories alive to help us take life challenges positively.

Published by TravelBug

I love to travel and explore the world. It’s fun to work and earn the perk to travel

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